Second year as self-employed

Last year marked an important decision in my life—to become self-employed (you can read the 2022 article here). Primarily driven by a desire for increased freedom and dedicated time for personal projects. My major objective for 2023 was financial, since we all need a salary (I’m sure fellow entrepreneurs can relate). Beyond that, I aimed to better define the projects and clients I wished to engage with and the ideal working environments. Reflecting on the past year, I now have found a sense of clarity in these aspects. Being engaged in meaningful work and consistently receiving a salary has been immensely gratifying. The entrepreneurial dream can easily break down when progress stalls, but the experience of potential success is undeniably empowering.

This year's journey has extended beyond professional pursuits, encompassing a struggle to maintain faith in humanity and the world. I've grappled with intense grief, questioning the significance of my work. At the same time, I've felt a strong determination and empowerment. Ultimately, my goal has become more clear —I aspire to contribute to system change and reshape the economic landscape while preserving my autonomy.

Of course, inspired by the Beyond Growth Conference hosted by EU parliament members in May this year, we have finally reached the maturity to look at our economic system. I recently shared my wish to work in economics on LinkedIn, where I also acknowledged the uncertainty of my path ahead. I think I have learned to embrace the unknown, recognizing that the world is inherently unpredictable. While this uncertainty can be intimidating, it also presents opportunities. Our collective actions can become one powerful force, driving social change and reaching critical social tipping points when we at least expect it.

This article is just a summary of some work that I’ve done and it helps me to see that I do make a difference. Because I do have moments when it does not feel like it. It is also essential not to focus too much on doing, but rather embrace one’s being. Taking breaks for self-care and enjoying life is not just acceptable—it's necessary. We need a multitude of contributors, not just a few shouldering everything. Though the world may seem to be on fire, my commitment to continue working for the world I believe in is stronger than ever.


My course in inner and outer wellbeing

Around this time last year, I dedicated myself to the finalization of my course in Inner and Outer Sustainability. My work led to the course's launch in April 2023, with an initial cohort of 12 participants. The experience was profoundly rewarding, and the feedback surpassed my wildest expectations. It became evident that the intersection of personal journeys and global issues resonated with many. While I intended to host the course biannually, a temporary break was necessitated by my involvement with the United Nations.

For those intrigued to delve deeper into the course and explore the firsthand experiences of past participants, you can find more information here! Don’t hesitate to sign up if you’re interested, it's a non-binding inquiry that secures your spot before capacity is reached. Don't miss the opportunity to join this transformative journey!


Human Rights and Sustainability

The majority of my time has been devoted to supporting The High Commissioner for Human Rights. My involvement includes active participation in their Greening the Blue initiatives, although the specific details of my contributions must remain confidential. Working with OHCHR has been a genuine honour, providing invaluable insights into the intricate landscape of human rights.

Despite the formidable global challenges and widespread violations of human rights, delving into this realm has inspired me to position human rights as a fundamental pillar of sustainability. It's become evident that sustainable development cannot exist in isolation from the principles of human rights. Although the United Nations has faced heightened criticism, particularly in recent times, my own perspective was shaped in high school, when I wrote a thesis on the Security Council, which made me realise what the UN can and can’t do. Working with the organization firsthand, there is no doubt that there is dedication among its staff. Some colleagues have even become friends, contributing to my admiration for all human rights defenders and those committed to working for humanity.

I encourage you to invest time in understanding human rights. As sustainability professionals, we serve as advocates for the human rights to a healthy, clean and sustainable environment. Embracing these rights not only aligns with our professional roles but also contributes to a broader commitment to human dignity and global well-being.


Public Speaking and Seminars

There is no greater joy for me than connecting with people, sharing knowledge, and inspiring them to make change. Hosting seminars and engaging in public speaking rank among my most cherished activities in life. This year has presented several opportunities for me to step away from my desktop work and take the stage.

  • Seminar about sustainable fashion in Jordan with Jordanian Fashion Designers at the Swedish Embassy

  • Seminar and workshop with ABF Dalarna about sustainable development

  • Seminar and workshop in Amsterdam about Beyond GDP Growth for EU members

  • Moderating a seminar on human rights and sustainable fashion with Parul Sharma as a speaker, presented by Ninyes during Slow Fashion Week

  • Seminar at Uppsala University about welfare measures Beyond GDP

  • Seminar at Åva High School about sustainable development

  • Seminar at Thorhildsplan High School about sustainable fashion presented by My Dreams

If you're interested in booking me for a seminar or want more information about the topics I cover, please visit here!

Additionally, earlier this year, I had the privilege of being a guest on Sanja Tegeltija on her Podcast En Timma Med, where we discussed inner and outer sustainability. You can listen to the episode here!


A sustainable closet

Two years ago, A Sustainable Closet (ASC) established its business model, and the economic sustainability of the platform has become a crucial focal point for me. Without proper funding, the platform cannot achieve the difference it aspires to make. In the course of 2023, ASC has engaged in numerous paid collaborations, receiving requests daily. The challenge lies not in securing collaborations but in aligning them with our stringent sustainability criteria. The ongoing development of the platform is something I eagerly anticipate. Here are some key figures from 2023:

  • Published 91 articles on sustainable fashion

  • Made 64 interviews with people, brands and stores leading the change

  • Grown our platform with an 87% increase in visits compared to last year

  • An average of 8500 visitors per month have read our content

  • Published our own editorial - Plastic is it Fantastic?

  • Mapped and published second-hand city store guides in more countries such as the US, Spain and Italy.

  • Had several guest bloggers, interns and rewarding collaborations with other change-makers for a more sustainable fashion scene

Sign up for our newsletter and learn more here!


Civil society

For those who have been following my journey for some time, you're aware of my longstanding commitment to civil society. With 12 years of experience in the field, my focus has predominantly been on providing strategic support. I engage in this work for several reasons: to safeguard democracy, to counterbalance the profit-driven economy through non-profit organizations, and as a means to channel my concerns about various societal trends, to do something is essential for me.

Here are some of the meaningful involvements I've had in 2023:

  • Djurens Rätt: In my third year as a board member, I am immensely proud to contribute to the cause of animal rights through this organization. The level of professionalism within Djurens Rätt is truly commendable.

  • Wellbeing Economy Alliance Sweden: Having joined the core group, I was elected as a board member this autumn. The enthusiasm and honour I feel in contributing to the development of Weall Sweden are beyond words.

  • Organic Beauty Award: For the second consecutive year, I'm a part of the jury for the Organic Beauty Award. It's a delightful way to engage in sustainability actions while having some fun!

  • Political Engagement: This year, I've taken a step into a new arena by joining a political party and being part of a working group. Without political change, there will be no change.

  • Positive Money and Demokratisk Omställning: Delving into alternative economics, I've joined book clubs associated with these organizations. 2023 has been a year of intensive study and exploration in the field of economics.


Personal Development

The year 2023 brought numerous celebrations and significant changes into my life, marked by fun occasions such as three close friends getting married, six friends welcoming new babies, and beautiful train journeys (Stockholm-Brussels, Stockholm-Amsterdam, Bucharest-Berlin-Stockholm, Stockholm-Geneva-Barcelona). However, amidst the festivities, I encountered three major shocks that posed considerable mental challenges. Here's a summary of some insights gained:

  • Ask for help - In moments when the usual coping mechanisms fall short, don't hesitate to seek assistance. It takes courage to ask for help when needed.

  • Allow yourself to feel - Embrace anger and grief rather than holding onto emotions, as suppressing them only intensifies suffering. Identify safe spaces to express and release these emotions.

  • It's okay to zoom out - If a topic consumes your thoughts and disrupts your sleep, it's crucial to disengage. Recognize when an issue has become overwhelming and prioritize your well-being.

  • Combat hopelessness with action - When feelings of hopelessness arise, compile a list of actions you take to contribute positively to the world. While you can't help everyone, your efforts matter and make a difference.

  • Run your business in alignment with your values - Uphold personal values in business practices. Stick to principles such as not working for free, setting rates according to your experience, collaborating with those who care about people, and avoiding competition or sales that don't resonate with your heart. While this may deviate from conventional business advice, I believe, it fosters a happier life.

  • Prioritize joy and celebration - During life's challenges, make time for celebrations. Whether it's dancing late into the night or participating in circles and friends' gatherings, nurturing connections within communities is vital for personal thriving.


What I’m looking forward to in 2024?

My journey into 2024 begins with a blank canvas. While a few opportunities and numerous ideas and aspirations lie ahead, my primary focus right now is to give myself the rest I truly need.

In the coming year, I want to prioritise activities that bring me joy — dancing more, painting more, and laughing more. Just to smile more often. That is my goal.